Sunday, 29 November 2009
this is proberly the best ever theme song for film period!!
you can either think of Bruce Lee doing some death blow or Hong 10 doing powermoves for the whole song!!!
Corinne Bailey Rae at The Tabernacle, review from the Telegraph
Corinne Bailey Rae’s return to the stage was a strangely fraught affair, where the audience’s air of sympathy almost threatened to overwhelm the performance itself.
Has ever an artist been so completely redefined by tragedy? When last seen, Bailey Rae was a sweet, sunshiny purveyor of pop soul, whose 2006 hit ’Put Your Records On’ was a radio friendly delight with all the angst of a summer breeze. Then, last year, her musician husband died of an accidental drug overdose. Bailey Rae retreated from the public eye and there was a fear amongst her fans that she might never be heard from again.
So it’s hardly any wonder the audience might seem nervous on her behalf. At the Islington Chapel last week, where Bailey Rae did a short set for a Mencap charity event, she played stripped back ballads of sorrow and grief.
Tears ran down her face, and those of many in the crowd. At the Tabernacle (another converted church), by contrast, she seemed nervous but happy, constantly smiling and reassuring the audience she was OK as they crammed up to the edge of the stage, leaning solicitously towards her, like relatives crowding round a sick bed.
The patient, however, was in no mood to be molly-coddled, pulling out a big, electric guitar, which she used to drive her band with a kind of scratchy belligerence. Bailey Rae has downshifted from soul towards her jazz roots, opening up deeper, richer veins of expressiveness for songwriting forced into darker terrain. There was so much new material from her forthcoming album ’The Sea’ (released in February next year), tackled with such vigour, it was hard to really get a hold of the songs.
Backed by an inventive five piece, her set was noisier and more lively than might have been predicted, with leftfield arrangements filled out with big, complex harmonies and even the most intimate and sorrowful songs swelling to rocky explosions of sound, like the blow outs at the end of a Pink Floyd epic, with Rae’s high, lovely voice floating away on washes of keys and guitars. It was a gutsy, bold performance, although the tenderness of the naked songs (so evident at Islington chapel) tended to get lost as the band built a head of steam.
She only played three old songs, all completely reframed by events, so that the yearning melody and innocent delight of ’Like A Star’ becomes a wistful reminiscence of lost love. Even an encore of ’Put Your Records On’ has the bittersweet air of a memory of a good time, rather than the good time itself, jazzy chord modulations easing this transformation. Yet, for the smiling Bailey Rae, music seems to be a release, a chance to breathe again.
The audience, and her band, need to give her the room to really flySaturday, 28 November 2009
Andreya Triana
well you see tea leaf dancers.....the lotus track shes the singer :D yayyyy
but yeah i took time to find some of her music and shes decent
i advise you do the same!
here's a track what she features on by Bonobo called The Keeper
Tokyo Motor Show 2009: Transparent Acrylic Lexus LFA By Scu Fujimoto

Back in October at the Tokyo Motor Show, well know Japanese architect Scu Fujimoto built a full-size translucent Lexus LFA!!!
When i first saw these pictures i thought it was just a standard ice sculpture but boy was i wrong i looked at the rest of the photos !! mannn!! it costs $375,000 but mateeeeeee attention to detail is absolutely ridiculous!

Friday, 27 November 2009
this young lady should be a model!!!
you can see that shes hot, great body etc
anyone that reads this and knows someone that knows someone that knows someone etc
fucking make her a model
its hottest going unnoticed
Single Speed
I live, work and study in London, so yeah everyday i get on public transport and all i get is this

on the way to my destination
on the way back!!!
im thinking about getting one of these sexy things

it would set me back a grand to get a custom one but i think its worth it :D
just think
having a bike that built to ur standards!!!
but that grand is for a basic one....i dont wanna think how much it is for some next level shit
i love wasting money but danggggg
The Evolution
heres my evolution.....
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Red Bull BC One 2009
He wins it again that just proves he is one of the best of all time!!
in its 6 year history he is the only person to win it twice
Friday, 20 November 2009
No Freedom Without Sacrifice
Go on itunes and have a listen its dope!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
pigeon heads sneaker....
They are coming to the Jazz Cafe in Camden on the 14th of December. If you know your Hip Hop then i dont have to say anymore really you know what time it is. to buy tickets just follow the link and your all good!
What is a Sneakerhead?
A sneakerhead is anybody who actively enjoys collecting sneakers. They love sneakers as much as a Star Trek fan loves dressing up as a Klingon and trekking to conventions. Sneakerheads have been around for decades, but there have been changes in the behaviors of sneaker geeks of the late 80s and 90s, to those that have sprouted in just the past 3 years. Here's just a few observations from the bench:
1.Change of Laces
Today's sneakerhead wants to know where to find all the up-to-the-minute trendiest sneakers that everyone is talking about, while yesterday's sneakerhead wanted to personally find gems nobody knew about.
2. Change of Value
Yesterday's sneakerhead shopped around for deadstock and exclusive finds that were a steal, while today's sneakerhead will deal or steal any which way they can to drop $500 on a pair of kicks. Back in the day, a sneakerhead would seldomly spend more than $100 on sneakers, unless they were a Jordan fan. Other than that, anything under $20-$50 was considered a sneakerhead's rubber dream.
3. Change of Cool
Yesterday's sneakerhead bought sneakers because the colors were cool, the style was cool, and they fit cool. Today, the driving force behind the sneaker craze is HYPE, not true coolness.
4. Change of Love
Today's sneakerhead buys primarily Nike, while yesterday's sneakerhead bought hip-hop and skate classics like Puma, Vans, and Adidas (Clydes, Gazelles, Shelltoes, Campus, Sk8 His). The old school sneaker collector started with those mentioned sneakers, or Jordans. While today's sneaker collector typically starts with Dunks, Air Max, AF1s - all Nike. Many of them look at their sneaker collections as investments, while yesterday's collector bought them to be worn.
5. Change of Purpose
Yesterday's sneakerhead stored their collections under their beds or closets. Today's sneakerhead stores their kicks in cases and personalized shelves. The old school sneakerhead also used to consolidate the usage of their sneakers down to ONE versatile pair, wear it out, then grab something else. They preserved to conserve, while today's sneakerhead has a sneaker for every divine purpose.
6. Change of Direction
Today's sneakerhead looks to see whatever Kayne West is wearing, while the old school sneakerhead used to look east to scour web sites and stores in languages they didn't understand just to get Asian market releases that were not avail in the west.
7. Change of Location
Today's sneakerhead has access to upscale sneaker boutiques with fine wood, glass and metal motifs. Yesterday's sneakerhead had the local shop that used to be a Chinese takeout or the athletic store in the mall. Back then, sneakerheads also scoured athletic catalogs like Eastbay, soccer trades, and CCS for all the cool discounted kicks in colorways the jocks didn't care much about -- unless they were in their "team colors".
by Suzy Kassem